
Suncorp Home Loan 3 month magazine subscription

Thank you for being a valued Home Loan customer. Enjoy your free 3 month magazine subscription!

You can choose from any title listed below - perhaps 'House and Garden' or 'Real Living' might appeal.

Australian Women's Weekly Magazine Subscription 3 issues
Belle Magazine Subscription 3 issues
Gourmet Traveller Magazine Subscription 3 issues
Australian House and Garden Magazine Subscription 3 issues
Real Living Magazine Subscription 3 issues
Money magazine subscription 3 issues

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Terms and Conditions

  1. Please allow up to 6-8 weeks for the delivery of the first issue of the selected magazine.
  2. Free gifts and tip-ons that may be available with retail copies are not provided with subscriber copies.
  3. This offer for the participating titles in this promotion is not valid in conjunction with any other subscription offer/promotion for this title.
  4. Existing subscribers to any of these publications will have the bonus period added on at the end of the existing subscription term.
  5. Bauer Media will send a letter of notification prior to the customer's free subscription period ending.
  6. In the event of a magazine ceasing publication your subscription will automatically be transferred to a title of similar interest.

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